Final score      
                                                                To see the reason for the penalty, CLICK on the penalty points!                                              

                                                                                  Scores: "M"

Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult points - penalties = TOTAL
1. OZ11A 300 270 910 224 203,840 - 4,077 = 199,763
90.0% Leif Nielsen Medal-I, Certificate 1/1/1-OZ
2. YO3RU 234 200 661 157 103,777 -0 = 103,777
85.5% Carol Szabo Medal-II, Certificate 2/2/1-YO
3. YO4FPF 141 130 432 103 44,496 - 222 = 44,274
92.2% Dan Roca Medal-III, Certificate 3/3/2-YO
4. DH6BH 140 128 411 101 41,511 91.4% Heinz Gruben Certificate 4/4/1-DL
5. Z36N 117 112 380 97 36,860 95.7% Petrov Tone Certificate 5/5/1-Z3
6. YO4DW 134 118 374 98 36,652 88.1% Sporis Cornelius Certificate 6/6/3-YO
7. LY2PAD 125 110 370 92 34,040 88.0% Rimantas Lasukas Certificate 7/7/1-LY
8. OK2QP 106 101 346 87 30,102 95.3% Robert Sanetrnik Certificate 8/8/1-OK
9. SP9DTE 134 110 343 85 29,155 82.1% Lukasz Cwikalowski-Dorobisz Certificate 9/9/1-SP
10. F4FDR 115 102 309 92 28,428 88.7% Daniel Marcandella Certificate 10/10/1-F
11. DL5BCF 127 98 299 78 23,322 77.2% Manfred Leerhoff Certificate 11/11/2-DL
12. PH3T 101 95 302 74 22,348 94.1% Gerard Hol Certificate 12/12/1-PA
13. RZ3Z 98 83 247 73 18,031 84.7% Andrew Glushko Certificate 13/13/1-E.RU
14. PD2GSP 76 73 236 53 12,508 96.1% Gerard Speksnijder Certificate 14/14/2-PA
15. UT5CL 71 66 228 53 12,084 93.0% Konstantin A. Tretyak Certificate 15/15/1-UR
16. YO2CMI 59 55 200 48 9,600 93.2% Bernardt-Anton Huth Certificate 16/16/4-YO
17. PD0ME 66 61 205 45 9,225 92.4% Margienus Euving Certificate 17/17/3-PA
18. SQ6PLE 63 61 174 50 8,700 96.8% Ireneusz Czapski Certificate 18/18/2-SP
19. SP5BUJ 69 60 168 50 8,400 87.0% Jozef Pawelec Certificate 19/19/3-SP
20. GM4JKZ 49 48 156 47 7,332 98.0% Keith Leggett Certificate 20/20/1-GM
21. DL7AUO 66 58 165 44 7,260 87.9% Jens Engelmann Certificate 21/21/3-DL
22. HB9MXY 48 45 174 38 6,612 93.8% Rudolf Alther Certificate 22/22/1-HB
23. EW8G 44 40 139 39 5,421 90.9% Valery D.Tjutjyunnik Certificate 23/23/1-EU
24. DO3OI 42 35 135 31 4,185 83.3% Steffen Rohse Certificate 24/24/4-DL
25. RA3LJ 40 33 123 30 3,690 82.5% Eugene Sukhanov Certificate 25/25/2-E.RU
26. UR5LY 36 28 109 27 2,943 77.8% Viktor Borysenko Certificate 26/26/2-UR
27. G4JBA 30 28 98 26 2,548 93.3% Jim Alderman Certificate 27/27/1-G
28. YO4AUL 40 31 109 22 2,398 77.5% Corneliu Faurescu Certificate 28/28/5-YO
29. R4RB 24 23 73 19 1,387 95.8% V.L. Solomatnikov Certificate 29/39/3-E.RU
30. R4FCJ 20 15 40 13 520 75.0% Zhukov V A Certificate 30/30/4-E.RU
31. YO3FVR 6 6 30 6 180 100.0% Catalin Lazaroiu Certificate 31/31/6-YO
32. YO4CVV 11 11 36 5 180 100.0% Petrica Dandes Certificate 32/32/7-YO

                                                                                    Scores: "MO"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes  
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
18,816 - 282 = 18,534
R.C. Jan Hus
Medal-I, Certificate 1/1/1-9A
2. DK1X 129 84 165 77 12,705 - 635 = 12,070
65.1% Team Medal-II, Certificate 2/2/1-DL
3. LZ5K 84 65 163 55 8,965 - 0 = 8,965
77.4% Radio Club Certificate 3/3/1-LZ
4. UW4E 17 11 24 11 264 64.7% D.C.G.Club Station Certificate 4/4/1-UR

                                                                                     Scores: "SO10"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
1. G1N 21 20 54 17 918 95.2% Robb Webb  Certificate 1/1/1-G

                                                                                     Scores: "SO15"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
1. JR4VEV 10 10 24 10 240 - 0 = 240
100.0% Takahiko Ichiyasu  Certificate 1/1/1-JA
2. 7N2UQC 5 4 9 3 27 80.0% Takahiro Kumai Certificate 2/2/2-JA

                                                                                               Scores: "SO20"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
1. LY1R 96 84 203 67 13,601 - 0 = 13,601
87.5% Alex Duchavicius Medal-I, Certificate 1/1/1-LY
2. R3KCW 80 76 192 54 10,368 - 259 = 10,109
95.0% Anatoly Kureka Medal-II, Certificate 2/2/1-E.RU
3. OM8JP 78 66 160 49 7,840 - 431 = 7,409
84.6% Jan Polak Medal-III, Certificate 3/3/1-OM
4. YO6CFB 56 50 117 38 4,446 89.3% Bako-Szabo Laszlo Certificate 4/4/1-YO
5. ON6FC 46 41 104 36 3,744 89.1% Gaston Ronsijn Certificate 5/5/1-ON
6. RA3GZ 28 26 69 24 1,656 92.9% Kozlov Sergey Certificate 6/6/2-E.RU
7. PA4DN 28 26 68 24 1,632 92.9% Dennis Nijhuis Certificate 7/7/1-PA
8. IK2FTB 36 25 60 23 1,380 69.4% Franza Alfredo Certificate 8/8/1-I
9. US5LOC 13 6 17 5 85 46.2% Sergey N.Sergey Certificate 9/9/1-UR
10. 3Z9W 23 6 14 6 84 26.1% Zygi Musiala Certificate 10/10/1-SP
11. YO8WRC 12 2 4 2 8 16.7% Ciobanu Bogdan Certificate 11/11/2-YO

                                                                                  Scores: "SO40"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
1. UT3N 82 74 189 54 10,206 - 0 = 10,206
90.2% Dmytry Starynets Medal-I, Certificate 1/1/1-UR
2. DH2AAK 65 52 118 37 4,366 - 0 = 4,366
80.0% Olaf Fischer Certificate 2/2/1-DL
3. UA6BJY 48 44 114 32 3,648 91.7% Nikolay Zhdankin Certificate 3/3/1-E.RU

                                                                                 Scores: "SO80"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
1. YO4BEW 28 25 62 21 1,302 - 0 = 1,302
89.3% Stefan Calin  Certificate 1/1/1-YO
2. YT9WW 12 10 26 10 260 83.3% Rajcic Bratislava Certificate 2/2/1-YU

                                                                                Scores: "SOHP"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
1. RA1M 256 238 592 194 114,848 - 6,891 = 107,957
93.0% Stepan Tumanov Medal-I, Certificate 1/1/1-E.RU
2. 8S9J 269 232 565 199 112,435 - 6184 = 106,251
86.2% Jonny Majava Medal-II, Certificate 2/2/1-SM
3. EU8N 201 178 444 147 65,268 - 979 = 64,289
88.6% Victor Rukavichnikov Medal-III, Certificate 3/3/1-EU
4. OZ6P 163 139 348 120 41,760 85.3% Preben M Larsen Certificate 4/4/1-OZ
5. YO4NT 149 132 315 112 35,280 88.6% Gabriel Gigea Certificate 5/5/1-YO
6. F5TLF 132 118 287 103 29,561 89.4% Christian Barbe Certificate 6/6/1-F
7. PA3DUU 106 103 228 85 19,380 97.2% A. Nugteren Certificate 7/7/1-PA
8. IZ2ZQP 106 93 236 79 18,644 87.7% Romano Gallo Certificate 8/8/1-I
9. PA4GDR 79 74 179 67 11,993 93.7% Goos Nijhuis Certificate 9/9/2-PA
10. GW5NF 79 72 166 68 11,288 91.1% Roger Ward Certificate 10/10/1-GW
11. S53K 69 65 168 60 10,080 94.2% Simon Sintic Certificate 11/11/1-S5
12. ON7ET 62 58 150 53 7,950 93.5% Patrick Struys Certificate 12/12/1-ON
13. YO9FDG 60 58 146 53 7,738 96.7% Vasile Voicu Certificate 13/13/2-YO
14. DF5BX 51 45 116 42 4,872 88.2% Werner Ludwig Certificate 14/14/1-DL
15. PE1FTV 50 48 110 40 4,400 96.0% Ad Spaninks Certificate 15/15/3-PA
16. EA3CFV 47 40 98 32 3,136 85.1% Albert Rispau Certificate 16/16/1-EA
17. DK9DA 36 31 84 26 2,184 86.1% Heinz Goeddemeier Certificate 17/17/2-DL
18. LZ2BB 35 29 66 24 1,584 82.9% Boyan Bogdanov Certificate 18/18/1-LZ
19. JH7RTQ 31 25 65 22 1,430 80.6% Yoshiro Hirai Certificate 19/1/1-JA
20. RA3TT 20 20 56 19 1,064 100.0% Nikolay Goncharov Certificate 20/19/1-E.RU
21. OM1BC 17 17 40 16 640 100.0% Boris Pechan Certificate 21/20/1-OM

                                                                             Scores: "SOLP"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total - penalties = TOTAL
1. LY2F 309 258 649 207 134,343 - 10,076 = 124,267
83.5% Arvydas Rimenas Medal-I, Certificate 1/1/1-LY
2. F5GKW 249 234 584 200 116,800 - 584 = 116,216
94.0% Buchet Jean-Philippe Medal-II, Certificate 2/2/1-F
3. LZ2HA 259 218 549 185 101,565 - 1016 =100,549
84.2% Vesselin Stoyanov Medal-III, Certificate 3/3/1-LZ
4. SP1TJ 186 168 405 135 54,675 90.3% Marek Bednarski Certificate 4/4/1-SP
5. F4ITQ 186 170 426 128 54,528 91.4% Julien Chauvel Certificate 5/5/2-F
6. YO5AXF 185 163 424 126 53,424 88.1% Carol Nemes Certificate 6/6/1-YO
7. SI3A 143 138 350 118 41,300 96.5% Liv Ulla Norrmen Certificate 7/7/1-SM
8. S57SWR 136 121 302 102 30,804 89.0% Radovan Gnjezda Certificate 8/8/1-S5
9. I2XLF 128 122 303 98 29,694 95.3% Nino Perego Certificate 9/9/1-I
10. ON5GQ 125 113 292 101 29,492 90.4% Bernard Backaert Certificate 10/10/1-ON
11. SP6JZP 118 113 285 92 26,220 95.8% Henryk Piotrowski Certificate 11/11/2-SP
12. ON2AD 110 102 259 88 22,792 92.7% Pat DW Certificate 12/12/2-ON
13. OE9NRH 101 98 256 88 22,528 97.0% Norbert Renz Certificate 13/13/1-OE
14. EA3IAZ 107 94 210 82 17,220 87.9% Manel Carrasco Certificate 14/14/1-EA
15. PA2JCB 98 90 218 70 15,260 91.8% Jan Booden Certificate 15/15/1-PA
16. DN4TG 156 91 179 80 14,320 58.3% Silvia Hanschmann Certificate 16/16/1-DL
17. EW6DM 92 82 203 69 14,007 89.1% Mike Maley Certificate 17/17/1-EU
18. EA2ESU 83 78 199 69 13,731 94.0% Jesus Garrido Lorea Certificate 18/18/2-EA
19. F4ELU 90 81 194 65 12,610 90.0% Roger Dumeusois Certificate 19/19/3-F
20. DF4ZL 62 61 149 50 7,450 98.4% Paul Schimanski Certificate 20/20/2-DL
21. EA3F 61 57 140 53 7,420 93.4% Angel Vilella Ros Certificate 21/21/3-EA
22. HA1TIB 58 56 144 49 7,056 96.6% Tibor Horvath Certificate 22/22/1-HA
23. HB9TZU 55 54 140 45 6,300 98.2% Christof Planzer Certificate 23/23/1-HB
24. PE1PIX 53 50 133 45 5,985 94.3% Andries Heitman Certificate 24/24/2-PA
25. R6DM 60 51 144 41 5,904 85.0% Evgeny Bloshchitsyn Certificate 25/25/1-E.RU
26. IK2EBP 51 48 113 43 4,859 94.1% Terenzio Giupponi Certificate 26/26/2-I
27. EA3AYQ 47 43 104 39 4,056 91.5% Quim Pazo Certificate 27/27/4-EA
28. DL1PLS 42 41 105 38 3,990 97.6% Peter Landes Certificate 28/28/3-DL
29. PD2ARI 53 43 106 33 3,498 81.1% Arie Smit Certificate 29/29/3-PA
30. PD0WVB 37 35 86 30 2,580 94.6% Wout van Beijeren Certificate 30/30/4-PA
31. ON3DVT 37 29 74 28 2,072 78.4% David Verheyen Certificate 31/31/3-ON
32. DG6ME 31 31 81 25 2,025 100.0% Bodo Weber Certificate 32/32/4-DL
33. RN1AO 35 28 72 24 1,728 80.0% Aleksandr Shevchenko Certificate 33/33/2-E.RU
34. PC2F 28 25 68 24 1,632 89.3% Frans de Bles Certificate 34/34/5-PA
35. TA4RC 30 25 60 25 1,500 83.3% Ali Aktas Certificate 35/1/1-A.TA
36. IK3TCK 25 25 64 23 1,472 100.0% Antonio Signorato Certificate 36/35/3-I
37. PA0FVH 26 22 60 20 1,200 84.6% Fred Verburgh Certificate 37/36/6-PA
38. BG5BAA 23 22 56 20 1,120 95.7% Zhao Haiting Certificate 38/2/1-BY
39. M0GQT 22 20 56 20 1,120 90.9% Stephen Hubin Certificate 39/37/1-G
40. DK2FG 25 22 57 19 1,083 88.0% Peter Schuebeler Certificate 40/38/5-DL
41. IU7FSP 21 18 51 17 867 85.7% Piero Montrone Certificate 41/39/4-I
42. TA2E 19 17 46 17 782 89.5% Hasan Turgut Certificate 42/3/2-A.TA
43. DM3CH 12 12 37 10 370 100.0% Christoph Hauck Certificate 43/40-6-DL
44. F4LHZ 11 10 28 10 280 90.9% Daniel Bausset Certificate 44/41/4-F
45. PB1CNN 20 12 27 9 243 60.0% Bas Coenen Certificate 45/42/7-PA
46. SM5BS 15 9 26 9 234 60.0% Kjell Lindeberg Certificate 46/43/2-SM
47. LZ7K 11 9 20 9 180 81.8% Vasil Gochev Certificate 47/44/2-LZ
48. RA4AUY 15 7 14 5 70 46.7% Vladimir Ovechkin Certificate 48/45/3-E.RU
49. R2HY 11 6 11 5 55 54.5% Bibishev Pavel Certificate 49/46/4-E.RU
50. EA7AKE 3 3 8 3 24 100.0% Ignacio Perez Colmenero Certificate 50/47/5-EA
51. YT3SMM 16 3 8 3 24 18.8% Srdjan Milosevic Certificate 51/48/1-YU
52. R5KH 10 4 7 3 21 40.0% Eugene A. Seminko Certificate 52/49/5-E.RU
53. OE2ATZ 2 2 8 2 16 100.0% Gabriel Gaulea Certificate 53/50/2-OE

Scores: "SWL"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. US-N-55 19 12 26 12 312 63.2% Konstantin Makohon  Certificate 1/1/1-UR
2. HA1-0013 33 6 12 5 60 18.2% Nandor Viola Certificate 2/2/1-HA
3. F-80248 22 4 8 4 32 18.2% Conraux Francois Certificate 3/3/1-F
4. R3A-034 15 3 6 3 18 20.0% Sergey Sevryukov Certificate 4/4/1-E.RU

  DJ4QV, DO2MOG, EA3CS, PA3I, UT4LW, UZ0A, WU9D                Delayed logs:    PD2PKM (28.01.2025)                              03-Feb  2025 at 09:36 UTC- YO2RR