Scores "M" 
QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. YO8DOH 997 925 3394 695 2,358,830 92.8% Stefan Mancas  Plaque-Ch/PCC Certificate 1/1/1-YO
2. EU8U 855 792 3108 590 1,833,720 92.6% Vladimir Shtin Medal II, Certificate 2/2/1-EU
3. LX1NO 678 615 2178 480 1,045,440 90.7% N.Oberweis Medal III, Certificate 3/3/1-LX
4. DF1MM 543 506 1877 400 750,800 93.2% Yuri Koltyrin Certificate 4/4/1-DL
5. UR7MZ 503 465 1831 408 747,048 92.4% Vladimir Suprunov Certificate 5/5/1-UR
6. OY1CT 502 429 1566 334 523,044 85.5% Carsten Thomsen Certificate 6/6/1-OY
7. UZ1WW 446 402 1613 314 506,482 90.1% Volodymyr Gordienko Certificate 7/7/2-UR
8. PA3AAV 453 405 1413 332 469,116 89.4% Gert Meinen Certificate 8/8/1-PA
9. DP5X 444 405 1402 326 457,052 91.2% Erhard Engfer Certificate 9/9/2-DL
10. EA5OH 415 387 1351 333 449,883 93.3% Jose Godos Certificate 10/10/1-EA
11. DF5EG 407 352 1356 283 383,748 86.5% Jorg Rutjes Certificate 11/11/3-DL
12. TA2DA 382 348 1236 293 362,148 91.1% Sabri Saygiligil Certificate 12/1/1-TA
13. OH2KW 351 337 1205 287 345,835 96.0% Arto Liimatta Certificate 13/12/1-OH
14. OZ/SM5S 362 331 1188 280 332,640 91.4% Göran Ingemar Backman Certificate 14/13/1-OZ
15. YO3LW 370 329 1168 271 316,528 88.9% Cristian Simion Certificate 15/14/2-YO
16. DL0MFL 363 333 1200 255 306,000 91.7% Rene Matthes Certificate 16/15/4-DL
17. SE5T 321 306 1094 264 288,816 95.3% Kare Lekebjer Certificate 17/16/1-SM
18. DL1CW 409 382 943 294 277,242 93.4% Arno Polinsky Certificate 18/17/5-DL
19. EB7KA 352 308 1071 258 276,318 87.5% David Martin Escamez Certificate 19/18/2-EA
20. YL3JD 318 300 1096 252 276,192 94.3% Hanz van de Pol Certificate 20/19/1-YL
21. S58MU 306 283 1046 248 259,408 92.5% Milan Pivk Certificate 21/20/1-S5
22. ON6MG 331 298 996 255 253,980 90.0% Mouton Alain Certificate 22/21/1-ON
23. RK3P 331 310 1075 233 250,475 93.7% Evgeny Shuskov Certificate 23/22/1-UA
24. DL5YM 328 304 1040 235 244,400 92.7% Fred Ockert Certificate 24/23/6-DL
25. RQ9O 314 290 1019 234 238,446 92.4% Serge Khairulin Certificate 25/2/1-UA0
26. SV4FFL 292 273 972 238 231,336 93.5% Costas J. Dovas Certificate 26/24/1-SV
27. S57X 294 271 1060 217 230,020 92.2% Jurij Gantar LOYALTY AWARD-2023Certificate 27/25/2-S5
28. ON9TT 296 267 988 232 229,216 90.2% Marc Domen Certificate 28/26/2-ON
29. F6AUS 277 253 869 233 202,477 91.3% Serge Soulet Certificate 29/27/1-F
30. RN4HAB 304 284 945 214 202,230 93.4% Zagrekov Sergey Certificate 30/28/2-UA
31. HA3GC 280 241 944 207 195,408 86.1% Gabor Lorincz Certificate 31/29/1-HA
32. M1X 250 240 914 212 193,768 96.0% Steve Knell Certificate 32/30/1-G
33. RW3AI 276 263 932 206 191,992 95.3% Valery Bobrov Certificate 33/31/3-UA
34. DL5KUD 272 255 904 210 189,840 93.8% Jo.Zillmann Certificate 34/32/7-DL
35. RA4Y 268 249 892 198 176,616 92.9% Valery Petrov Certificate 35/33/4-UA
36. SD1A 265 240 840 206 173,040 90.6% Eric Wennstrom Certificate 36/34/2-SM
37. DK2FG 286 259 900 187 168,300 90.6% Peter Schuebeler Certificate 37/35/8-DL
38. G3G 233 216 790 195 154,050 92.7% Ray Spreadbury Certificate 38/36/2-G
39. DL4XU 258 231 806 188 151,528 89.5% Uwe Moeller Certificate 39/37/9-DL
40. ON6PJ 245 227 751 199 149,449 92.7% Jelle Verhaeghe Certificate 40/38/3-ON
41. SF6W 224 216 696 186 129,456 96.4% Goran Granberg Certificate 41/39/3-SM
42. DL3KWF 243 225 704 173 121,792 92.6% Hardy Zenker Certificate 42/40/10-DL
43. DL3KWR 230 217 723 167 120,741 94.3% Rosel Zenker Certificate 43/41/11-DL
44. UA3QAM 207 199 663 168 111,384 96.1% Novichikhin A.V. Certificate 44/42/5-UA
45. S51MM 205 191 720 150 108,000 93.2% David Fister Certificate 45/43/3-S5
46. SP7CF 187 180 666 154 102,564 96.3% Andrzej Swiatek Certificate 46/44/1-SP
47. PA2W 205 191 610 167 101,870 93.2% Martin Westerhof Certificate 47/45/2-PA
48. W4RN 234 181 618 163 100,734 77.4% Mike Lonneke Certificate 48/1/1-K
49. 4U1A 200 167 622 156 97,032 83.5% Andrejs Pankins Certificate 49/46/1-V.I.C.
50. UA6GO 203 191 658 144 94,752 94.1% Pchelin Vladimir Certificate 50/47/6-UA
51. M4N 200 180 687 133 91,371 90.0% Mike Eggleton Certificate 51/48/3-G
52. DL1IAO 183 170 613 140 85,820 92.9% Stefan von Baltz Certificate 52/49/12-DL
53. F6JOE 161 152 535 135 72,225 94.4% Jean-Claude MERCIER Certificate 53/50/2-F
54. PA2TA 151 148 530 134 71,020 98.0% Tjakko Abee Certificate 54/51/3-PA
55. DM3ZM 152 146 517 129 66,693 96.1% Harald Siewert Certificate 55/52/13-DL
56. RD1T 150 143 529 125 66,125 95.3% Serge Gerasimenko Certificate 56/53/7-UA
57. EA4HKF 163 131 532 124 65,968 80.4% Jose Antonio Montero Certificate 57/54/3-EA
58. YO4AAC 146 137 548 120 65,760 93.8% George Savu Certificate 58/55/3-YO
59. RK2M 164 158 524 120 62,880 96.3% Valentin N.Popov Certificate 59/56/8-UA
60. CT1DRB 270 163 412 152 62,624 60.4% David Quental Certificate 60/57/1-CT
61. RN3AM 153 144 555 110 61,050 94.1% Bruev Vladimir Certificate 61/58/9-UA
62. UD8A 160 141 508 117 59,436 88.1% Nikolai Gorovenko Certificate 62/3/2-UA0
63. PG2V 135 130 494 119 58,786 96.3% Serge Vasylenko Certificate 63/59/4-PA
64. DM2DZM 165 147 536 108 57,888 89.1% Peter Richter Certificate 64/60/14-DL
65. EA3NO 158 146 500 114 57,000 92.4% Lluis Presseguer Capdevila Certificate 65/61/4-EA
66. YO4RDW 133 124 455 114 51,870 93.2% Romeo Dobre Certificate 66/62/4-YO
67. RA7C 137 127 468 106 49,608 92.7% Ivanenko Yuri Certificate 67/63/10-UA
68. DF5EN 169 140 477 103 49,131 82.8% Dieter Brozio Certificate 68/64/15-DL
69. R1QE 144 132 431 106 45,686 91.7% Bobrov Vladimir Certificate 69/65/11-UA
70. HA4FY 124 112 415 90 37,350 90.3% Janos Koloh Certificate 70/66/2-HA
71. RW9AV 117 106 357 92 32,844 90.6% Andrey Alekseev Certificate 71/4/3-UA0
72. OZ1AAR 115 101 344 94 32,336 87.8% Villy Nielsen Certificate 72/67/2-OZ
73. DG0KS 103 101 365 88 32,120 98.1% Michael Kern Certificate 73/68/16-DL
74. YO4LHR 128 104 352 87 30,624 81.3% Nicusor-Aurel Poenaru Certificate 74/69/5-YO
75. IK2CFD 114 98 321 93 29,853 86.0% Graziano Povolo Certificate 75/70/1-I
76. PA3EWG 101 95 339 85 28,815 94.1% Henry Boudewijns Certificate 76/71/5-PA
77. UA3UAD 115 103 325 88 28,600 89.6% Yuri Perov Certificate 77/72/12-UA
78. PA3ARM 100 92 310 87 26,970 92.0% Harry van Enckevort Certificate 78/73/6-PA
79. RA3TT 101 96 329 81 26,649 95.0% Nikolay Goncharov Certificate 79/74/13-UA
80. PE2K 120 93 335 77 25,795 77.5% Adriaan Adi K Certificate 80/75/7-PA
81. DL9NEI 101 92 308 75 23,100 91.1% Norbert Neidhardt Certificate 81/76/17-DL
82. DL5YL 111 102 319 65 20,735 91.9% Tina Ockert Certificate 82/77/18-DL
83. M2G 83 76 241 71 17,111 91.6% John Muzyka Certificate 83/78/4-G
84. PE1EEC 75 72 263 59 15,517 96.0% Martin Heffels Certificate 84/79/8-PA
85. Z33F 78 69 233 57 13,281 88.5% Zoran Milev Certificate 85/80/1-Z3
86. DL9BU 58 52 187 51 9,537 89.7% Burkhard Hekers Certificate 86/81/19-DL
87. VA3AR 80 54 174 51 8,874 67.5% Stefan Bejusca Certificate 87/2/1-VE
88. DL8HK 61 56 176 46 8,096 91.8% Karen Huppert Certificate 88/82/20-DL
89. DL4FDM 56 52 191 42 8,022 92.9% Fritz Zwingli Certificate 89/83/21-DL
90. RA3VE 60 48 188 38 7,144 80.0% Nick Bogdanof Certificate 90/84/14-UA
91. DL8MAS 46 41 169 37 6,253 89.1% Bernd Feller Certificate 91/85/22-DL
92. OE1TKW 48 42 156 39 6,084 87.5% Helmut Klein Certificate 92/86/1-OE
93. F6FJE 48 43 144 41 5,904 89.6% Pierre-Jean Merceret Certificate 93/87/3-F
94. RA9JM 50 46 128 44 5,632 92.0% Oleg Krasnukhin Certificate 94/5/4-UA0
95. DK3AX 45 41 159 34 5,406 91.1% Gerd Schmidt Certificate 95/88/23-DL
96. DL3YEI 47 41 167 29 4,843 87.2% Berthold Thewes Certificate 96/89/24-DL
97. PA3BUD 45 39 113 38 4,294 86.7% Bud LeComte Certificate 97/90/9-PA
98. DC1YY 33 31 138 29 4,002 93.9% Reinhard Nibler Certificate 98/91/25-DL
99. DJ2IA 30 30 137 28 3,836 100.0% Dieter Trautmann Certificate 99/92/26-DL
100. PA1B 34 26 100 26 2,600 76.5% Bert Kruyswijk Certificate 100/93/10-PA
101. G3YJQ 29 25 98 23 2,254 86.2% Fred Bourne Certificate 101/94/5-G
102. SQ9S 28 27 84 26 2,184 96.4% Adam Grzenia Certificate 102/95/2-SP
103. YO2CJX 25 21 90 21 1,890 84.0% Virgil Nesteriuc Certificate 103/96/6-YO
104. EA5XQ 22 21 84 20 1,680 95.5% Juan A. Bertolin Certificate 104/97/5-EA
105. ON4ANE 26 22 77 18 1,386 84.6% Demeyere Norbert Certificate 105/98/4-ON
106. DF9ZV 17 16 49 14 686 94.1% Georg Reitz Certificate 106/99/27-DL
107. UA0SBQ 14 12 40 10 400 85.7% Viktor Anderusshenko Certificate 107/6/5-UA0
108. LT4A 12 8 34 8 272 66.7% Horacio Cilmi Certificate 108/1/1-LU
109. G4CMY 9 5 16 5 80 55.6% Tony Mann Certificate 109/100/6-G

        Scores "MO"

#     Call     QSO Score Conf. (%) Penalties

total conf. points mult  total (band ch. 10minutes)
1 LZ5R 1285 1159 2956 829 2,450,524 90.20% 75% 612.631 Club Station
Certificate 1/1/1-LZ
2 YL1ZX 468 428 1129 358 404,182 91.50% 50% 202.091 Team:YL2TD, YL3GX  Certificate 2/2/1-YL
3 YP5A 432 386 992 315 312,480 89.40% 50% 156.240 Club Station  Certificate 3/3/1-YO
4 YT6T 417 365 953 307 292,571 87.50% 50% 146.286 Club Station  Certificate 4/4/1-YU
5 RZ9L 322 295 709 243 172,287 91.60% 50% 86.144 Team:R8LA, RU9LA
Certificate 5/1/1-UA0
6 EW2ZC 221 197 515 177 91,155 89.10% 25% 68.366 Team:EW2ABB, EU1W Certificate 6/5/1-EU
7  OL750HOL  168 156 378 135 51,030 92.90% 10%
45.927 Club Station Certificate 7/6/1-OK
8 UW7RWA 155 144 365 118 43,070 92.90% 5% 40.917 Club Station Certificate 8/7/1-UR
9 DA3T 61 54 142 50 7,100 88.50% 10% 6.390 Club Station Certificate 9/8/1-DL
10 PI40NWG 50 39 94 37 3,478 78.00% 5% 3.394 Club Station Certificate 10/9/1-PA
11 DL0DIX 50 42 100 29 2,900 84.00% 0% 2.900 Club Station Certificate 11/10/2-DL
12 SP9KJU 23 22 50 18 900 95.70% 0% 900 Club Station Certificate 12/11/1-SP
13 ES3BH 23 17 44 17 748 73.90% 5% 710 Club Station Certificate 13/12/1-ES

Scores "SO10"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. RD0A 153 141 344 112 38,528 92.2% Ivankin Arkady Medal I, Certificate 1/1/1
2. F5NBX 111 98 240 83 19,920 88.3% Donati Fred Medal II, Certificate 2/1,1-UA0
3. UA4CC 98 91 233 72 16,776 92.9% Arkadiy Voloshin Certificate 3/2/1-UA
4. HA3NU 102 80 195 69 13,455 78.4% Laszlo Weisz Certificate 4/3/1-HA
5. 4X1VF 86 47 93 41 3,813 54.7% Jan Misgav Certificate 5/2/1-4X
6. PY1AX 49 29 74 28 2,072 59.2% Antoni Karol Dianovsky Certificate 6/1/1-PY
7. TA3DJ 27 24 74 22 1,628 88.9% Ozhan Ozgokceler Certificate 7/3/1-TA
8. EA4CWW 23 23 61 22 1,342 100.0% Dimitri Vlasenko Certificate 8/4/1-EA
9. JH3FTZ 10 9 22 9 198 90.0% Fumiaki Nakaya Certificate 9/4/1-JA

       Scores: "SO15"
# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. RU4SO 217 204 523 141 73,743 94.0% Victor Zagaynov Medal I, Certificate 1/1/1-UA
2. K2SSS 213 178 452 129 58,308 83.6% Zeljko Zee Repic Medal II, Certificate 2/1/1-K
3. RW9QA 173 158 396 113 44,748 91.3% Vlad Kondratenko Medal III, Certificate 3/1/1-UA0
4. HA5GF 148 131 363 112 40,656 88.5% Sandor Zeitler Certificate 4/2/1-HA
5. YO2IS 84 79 220 67 14,740 94.0% Suli I.Iulius Certificate 5/3/1-YO
6. RA3RLJ 100 89 216 64 13,824 89.0% Alexey Blinov Certificate 6/4/2-UA
7. YU1AT 86 73 204 63 12,852 84.9% Milenko Kojic Certificate 7/5/1-YU
8. SN4EE 99 69 172 58 9,976 69.7% Kazimierz Ciesluk Certificate 8/6/1-SP
9. PY3TD 45 40 112 37 4,144 88.9% Enio Barreto Certificate 9/1/1-PY
10. RA7R 36 36 94 26 2,444 100.0% Bukhanov Yuri Certificate 10/7/3-UA
Vladimir Ivkovic
Certificate 11/8/1-9A
Thomas Misirgis
Certificate 12/9/1-SV
Margarit Ionescu
Certificate 13/10/2-YO

       Scores: "SO20"

Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes
total conf. points mult total
1. 9A1AA 373 342 875 224 196,000 91.7% Ivo Novak Medal I, Certificate 1/1/1-9A
2. HG5D 328 297 754 225 169,650 90.5% Laszlo Nagy Medal II, Certificate 2/2/1-HA
3. EA1WH 317 294 755 196 147,980 92.7% David Garin De La Torre Medal III, Certificate 3/3/1-EA
4. YO3FFF 270 249 623 177 110,271 92.2% Cristian Negru Certificate 4/4/1-YO
5. DL9ZP 230 223 565 148 83,620 97.0% Sergej Krasikov Certificate 5/5/1-DL
6. RA9AP 211 197 495 155 76,725 93.4% Alex Smagin Certificate 6/1/1-UA0
7. Z35F 220 200 514 149 76,586 90.9% Blagoj Ljatev - Bale Certificate 7/6/1-Z3
8. R7MM 204 195 492 140 68,880 95.6% Serge Sergeev Certificate 8/7/1-UA
9. OK2MBP 186 179 461 136 62,696 96.2% Jiri Cernoch Certificate 9/8/1-OK
10. LZ2MP 185 170 466 131 61,046 91.9% Milen Poshtadzhiev Certificate 10/9/1-LZ
11. F5PHY 176 160 415 124 51,460 90.9% Ivan Prince Certificate 11/10/1-F
12. SP1AEN 145 140 363 109 39,567 96.6% Wladyslaw Wdowczyk Certificate 12/11/1-SP
13. YT2ISM 153 128 323 104 33,592 83.7% Ismail Slezovic Certificate 13/12/1-YU
14. LZ4A 103 93 230 82 18,860 90.3% Hristo Zdravkov Certificate 14/13/2-LZ
15. OL5W 99 95 233 80 18,640 96.0% Tomas Hess Certificate 15/14/2-OK
16. UA9CU 91 83 212 67 14,204 91.2% Anatoly Aleksejchik Certificate 16/2/2-UA0
17. LY2LF 93 81 208 67 13,936 87.1% Kestutis Morkunas Certificate 17/15/1-LY
18. UA3YDI 76 72 182 61 11,102 94.7% Anatoly Maltsev Certificate 18/16/2-UA
19. LZ1MC 64 62 161 56 9,016 96.9% Slav Lyutskanov Certificate 19/17/3-LZ
20. YO5OAC 72 64 170 53 9,010 88.9% Muntean Sergiu Certificate 20/18/2-YO
21. DJ3XA 50 48 123 42 5,166 96.0% Harald Boelke Certificate 21/19/2-DL
22. TA3X 54 47 112 40 4,480 87.0% Nuri Byl Certificate 22/3/1-TA
23. YO8BDW 50 43 99 40 3,960 86.0% Milan Crasi Certificate 23/20/3-YO
24. ON6FC 45 36 95 33 3,135 80.0% Gaston Ronsijn Certificate 24/21/1-ON
25. OK3MO 37 35 88 31 2,728 94.6% Ota Machan Certificate 25/22/3-OK
26. UA9XO 35 34 77 28 2,156 97.1% Mikhail A. Opekan Certificate 26/23/3-UA
27. R5GP 17 15 36 14 504 88.2% Propastin Oleg Certificate 27/24/4-UA
28. UA3SDN 15 13 34 12 408 86.7% Dmitri Novikov Certificate 28/25/5-UA
29. ER/UT1ZZ 11 10 20 10 200 90.9% Andrii Poliezhai Certificate 29/26/1-ER
30. OH5ZA 8 8 20 8 160 100.0% Zaba Hubach Certificate 30/27/1-OH
31. JH4CES 4 3 8 3 24 75.0% Hideaki Takai Certificate 31/4/1-JA
32. JM8FEI 3 3 6 3 18 100.0% Minoru Miura Certificate 32/5/2-JA
33. VK4JJ 5 3 6 3 18 60.0% Faraaz de Belder Certificate 33/1/1-VK

      Scores: "SO40"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. OM5NL 270 226 583 166 96,778 83.7% Nemeth Laci Medal I, Certificate 1/1/1-OM
2. UT3N 219 187 484 134 64,856 85.4% Dmytro Starynets Medal II, Certificate 2/2/1-UR
3. HA6IAM 165 157 388 123 47,724 95.2% Gulyas Imre Medal III, Certificate 3/3/1-HA
4. LZ7DX 153 144 367 120 44,040 94.1% Marian Stanchev Certificate 4/4/1-LZ
5. RK3Y 159 149 358 101 36,158 93.7% Mikhail Kurilov Certificate 5/5/1-UA
6. IT9RZU 136 127 316 109 34,444 93.4% Joe Massaro Certificate 6/6/1-I
7. YO5AXF 131 119 287 95 27,265 90.8% Carol Nemes Certificate 7/7/1-YO
8. YU9YAU 99 90 231 72 16,632 90.9% Val Baisha Certificate 8/8/1-YU
9. ON5WL 86 81 209 70 14,630 94.2% Leon Welters Certificate 9/9/1-ON
10. LY3NX 70 64 154 53 8,162 91.4% Romas Purlys Certificate 10/10/1-LY
11. HA5OV 61 56 139 50 6,950 91.8% Varadi Peter Certificate 11/11/2-HA
12. YO8/LZ4UU 50 45 117 42 4,914 90.0% Iliya Getsov Certificate 12/12/2-YO
13. UX2HB 49 44 114 41 4,674 89.8% Volodymyr Datsyuk Certificate 13/13/2-UR
14. YT7X 44 41 104 40 4,160 93.2% Zvonko Perisic Certificate 14/14/2-YU
15. SP3VT 43 41 103 34 3,502 95.3% Marek Tomczyk Certificate 15/15/1-SP
16. TC3AKSA 21 18 50 18 900 85.7% Nuri Byl Certificate 16/1/1-TA
17. R3OR 6 6 16 6 96 100.0% Alex Brazhina Certificate 17/16/2-UA
18. R1AT 20 6 10 4 40 30.0% Igor G. Ivanov Certificate 18/17/3-UA
19. OK1CJN 5 3 6 3 18 60.0% Jiri Nemejc Certificate 19/18-1-OK
20. PY4ARS 2 1 4 1 4 50.0% Roberto da Costa Santos Certificate 20/1/1-PY

         Scores: "SO80"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. S57DX 251 200 507 140 70,980 79.7% Slavko Celarc Medal I, Certificate 1/1/1-S5
2. OK1AY 167 163 418 123 51,414 97.6% Josef Burian Medal II, Certificate 2/2/1-OK
3. LY2MM 173 157 402 118 47,436 90.8% Albinas Staraitis Medal III, Certificate 3/3/1-LY
4. HA8MV 142 133 333 104 34,632 93.7% Papp Gabor Certificate 4/4/1-HA
5. LY3NX 142 129 334 100 33,400 90.8% Romas Purlys Certificate 5/5/2-LY
6. SP4AWE 137 122 309 93 28,737 89.1% Kazimierz Ciesluk Certificate 6/6/1-SP
7. OK2BFN 105 101 259 80 20,720 96.2% Tomas Mikeska Certificate 7/7/2-OK
8. OM6TX 86 83 216 69 14,904 96.5% Peter Kristof Certificate 8/8/1-OM
9. OK1HMP 83 76 189 60 11,340 91.6% Martin Prokop Certificate 9/9/3-OK
10. LY4BF 84 74 188 56 10,528 88.1% Edvardas Gasperavicius Certificate 10/10/3-LY
11. SP2R 78 75 186 55 10,230 96.2% Dariusz Zajac Certificate 11/11/2-SP
12. G2E 73 67 167 54 9,018 91.8% Roger Jones Certificate 12/12/1-G
13. SJ6R 68 64 162 53 8,586 94.1% Mats Strandberg Certificate 13/13/1-SM
14. DO2XU 82 72 161 43 6,923 87.8% Timm Andres Certificate 14/14/1-DL
15. DO6SR 30 21 50 19 950 70.0% Robert Baumgaertner Certificate 15/15/2-DL

       Scores: "SO HP"
# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. E77EA 748 702 1822 562 1,023,964 93.9% Dragan Radanovic Medal I, Certificate 1/1/1-E7
2. RT9A 598 558 1412 440 621,280 93.3% Valerij Vinakov Medal II, Certificate 2/1/1-UA0
3. RD4F 612 582 1447 419 606,293 95.1% Oleg Kargashin Medal III, Certificate 3/2/1-UA
4. HA6PJ 491 474 1220 396 483,120 96.5% Janos Novak Certificate 4/3/1-HA
5. OK2EA 506 463 1060 370 392,200 91.5% Vita Stepan Certificate 5/4/1-OK
6. OG7F 459 415 1076 359 386,284 90.4% Eugene Kuleshov Certificate 6/5/1-OH
7. OK1OA 455 415 1054 348 366,792 91.2% Jiri Bittner Certificate 7/6/2-OK
8. SP2FAP 444 418 1028 335 344,380 94.1% Sylwester Jarkiewicz Certificate 8/7/1-SP
9. YQ6A 638 389 956 325 310,700 61.0% Bartok Jozsef Certificate 9/8/1-YO
10. IZ2GRG 406 368 932 320 298,240 90.6% Deanski Stanislav Certificate 10/9/1-I
11. YO4DG 400 375 958 311 297,938 93.8% Gabriel Gigea Certificate 11/10/2-YO
12. S53F 378 350 915 311 284,565 92.6% Vinko Gregorcic Certificate 12/11/1-S5
13. EW8OM 390 371 956 294 281,064 95.1% Vladimir Fendich Certificate 13/12/1-EU
14. RW9QA 399 369 921 295 271,695 92.5% Vlad Kondratenko Certificate 14/2/2-UA0
16. I2IFT 370 333 860 286 245,960 90.0% Giovanni Ceroni Certificate 16/14/2-I
17. IV3AZV 375 331 857 281 240,817 88.3% Mauro Azzalini Certificate 17/15/3-I
18. F5PHY 360 330 830 274 227,420 91.7% Ivan Prince Certificate 18/16/1-F
19. PA2A 363 329 811 275 223,025 90.6% Steef Verver Certificate 19/17/1-PA
20. SP2MKI 317 305 774 248 191,952 96.2% Dariusz Perszutow Certificate 20/18/2-SP
21. EA1X 314 277 707 238 168,266 88.2% Juan R.Varela Seoane Certificate 21/19/1-EA
22. LZ3ZZ 308 265 665 230 152,950 86.0% Aleko Iglev Certificate 22/20/1-LZ
23. UA4CC 271 260 640 217 138,880 95.9% Arkadiy Voloshin Certificate 23/21/2-UA
24. OR5T 256 242 608 215 130,720 94.5% Xavier Goddaer Certificate 24/22/1-ON
25. UA5C 277 251 620 198 122,760 90.6% Alexandr Gimanov Certificate 25/23/3-UA
26. LZ4AE 252 234 593 206 122,158 92.9% Angel Ahchiyski Certificate 26/24/3-LZ
27. R4PBF 270 230 562 186 104,532 85.2% Evgeny Moryashov Certificate 27/25/4-UA
28. E74A 209 190 473 171 80,883 90.9% Edin Gadzo Certificate 28/26/2-E7
29. Z33B 188 166 414 143 59,202 88.3% Kirko Mircevski Certificate 29/27/1-Z3
30. LA8HGA 162 150 376 127 47,752 92.6% Jon Morten Lervik Certificate 30/28/1-LA
31. HA5GF 148 131 363 112 40,656 88.5% Sandor Zeitler Certificate 31/29/2-HA
32. RD0A 153 141 344 112 38,528 92.2% Ivankin Arkady Certificate 32/3/3-UA0
33. UA6AA 148 136 320 107 34,240 91.9% Sergey Dvadnenko Certificate 33/30/5-UA
34. BH4BFS 141 123 296 111 32,856 87.2% Xusheng Niu Certificate 34/4/1-BY
35. EB5A 113 100 248 94 23,312 88.5% Yuri Sakalouski Certificate 35/31/2-EA
36. LZ5I 106 98 236 90 21,240 92.5% Aleko Iglev Certificate 36/32/4-LZ
37. F6HDI 101 94 237 89 21,093 93.1% Ezio Bertolis Certificate 37/33/2-F
38. PA5N 104 95 234 89 20,826 91.3% Jeroen Certificate 38/34/2-PA
39. PY2KJ 125 88 224 82 18,368 70.4% Artur Herchcovitch Certificate 39/1/1-PY
40. YU1ML 83 75 192 65 12,480 90.4% Dobroslav Markovic Certificate 40/35/1-YU
41. PE1RDP 50 47 123 46 5,658 94.0% Arno Bollen Certificate 41/36/3-PA
42. PA3DSB 53 50 120 45 5,400 94.3% Paul Merkx Certificate 42/37/4-PA
43. EA3X 53 47 122 44 5,368 88.7% Mia , Josep M. Aregall Certificate 43/38/3-EA
44. OM3CW 46 42 110 37 4,070 91.3% Karol Jager Certificate 44/39/1-OM
45. M0TDW 41 40 102 37 3,774 97.6% Bill Woodroffe Certificate 45/40/1-G
46. R9CD 40 37 100 37 3,700 92.5% Alexander Khakhalkin Certificate 46/5/4-UA0
47. R3LA 43 43 101 36 3,636 100.0% Alex Novikov Certificate 47/41/6-UA
48. JG6OZC 22 19 41 16 656 86.4% Takahiro Matsumoto Certificate 48/6/1-JA
49. DK1BZT 23 15 36 15 540 65.2% Coloman Drapos Certificate 49/42/1-DL
50. K5UV 13 12 31 11 341 92.3% Michael R.Whalen Certificate 50/1/1-K
51. IC8FBU 19 12 28 12 336 63.2% Antonio Palomba Certificate 51/43/4-I
52. IU3MDI 17 10 24 10 240 58.8% Luca Milanetto Certificate 52/44/5-I
53. DJ2AX 12 12 21 9 189 100.0% Peter Eichler Certificate 53/45/2-DL
54. W1ARY 11 10 21 9 189 90.9% Marcel Vasile Certificate 54/2/2-K
55. JF3KCH 3 3 6 3 18 100.0% Yoshihiro Yamada Certificate 55/7/2-JA
56. IZ4AKO 27 2 6 2 12 7.4% Pierluigi Guerzoni Certificate 56/46/6-I

         Scores: "SO LP"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. LY9A 858 794 2046 568 1,162,128 92.5% Gediminas Lucinskas Plaque-CH/SOLP, Certificate 1/1/1-LY
Trophy 2023
2. R7MM 738 705 1781 521 927,901 95.5% Serge Sergeev Medal II, Certificate 2/2/1-UA
3. LZ7DX 616 571 1492 474 707,208 92.7% Marian Stanchev Medal III, Certificate 3/3/1-LZ
4. OK2MBP 589 552 1440 433 623,520 93.7% Jiri Cernoch Certificate 4/4/1-OK
5. YU1YV 555 525 1388 429 595,452 94.6% Acim-Milos Acimovic Certificate 5/5/1-YU
6. OL8M 561 539 1369 417 570,873 96.1% Pavel Pok Certificate 6/6/2-OK
7. YP3X 573 523 1343 409 549,287 91.3% Gabriel Dex Tudoran Certificate 7/7/1-YO
8. UW1M 531 499 1292 420 542,640 94.0% Victor Yarovoy Certificate 8/8/1-UR
9. YO5AXF 521 487 1283 391 501,653 93.5% Carol Nemes Certificate 9/9/2-YO
10. SE4E 500 472 1207 390 470,730 94.4% Lars Dahlgren Certificate 10/10/1-SM
11. RK3Y 535 501 1227 364 446,628 93.6% Mikhail Kurilov Certificate 11/11/2-UA
12. EU8N 462 445 1166 366 426,756 96.3% Victor Rukavichnikov Certificate 12/12/1-EU
13. SN5J 466 435 1141 361 411,901 93.3% Jan Czerwinski Certificate 13/13/1-SP
14. UA3RBR 513 476 1179 344 405,576 92.8% Rozhkov Sergey Certificate 14/14/3-UA
15. RA9AP 479 445 1124 352 395,648 92.9% Alex Smagin Certificate 15/1/1-UA0
16. YO4FHU 460 435 1104 354 390,816 94.6% Daniel Moraru Certificate 16/15/3-YO
17. SM5CSS 452 424 1082 346 374,372 93.8% Allan H Pettersson Certificate 17/16/2-SM
18. HG6O 468 416 1080 346 373,680 88.9% Gabor Dekany Certificate 18/17/1-HA
19. RU4SO 454 428 1084 314 340,376 94.3% Victor Zagaynov Certificate 19/18/4-UA
20. HA6NL 404 378 982 322 316,204 93.6% Laszlo Foldi Certificate 20/19/2-HA
21. UN7LAN 393 353 916 310 283,960 89.8% Alex Sytov Certificate 21/2/1-UN
22. US7UK 373 336 873 290 253,170 90.1% Alex Filipov Certificate 22/20/2-UR
23. EW1TZ 375 352 892 279 248,868 93.9% Sergey Bandukevich Certificate 23/21/2-EU
24. UA9CTT 383 341 871 282 245,622 89.0% Mike Novikov Certificate 24/3/2-UA0
25. SM6TOL 378 350 863 279 240,777 92.6% Kjell Andersson Certificate 25/22/3-SM
26. OK1TRJ 333 316 811 272 220,592 94.9% Michal Novak Certificate 26/23/3-OK
27. EV6Z 337 316 807 265 213,855 93.8% Slava Kurdyukov Certificate 27/24/3-EU
28. SP2GMA 311 296 772 250 193,000 95.2% Jerzy Matuszak Certificate 28/25/2-SP
29. PC1PM 315 297 739 245 181,055 94.3% Peter Mulder Certificate 29/26/1-PA
30. YU5T 318 277 700 238 166,600 87.1% Zoran Dimitrijevic Certificate 30/27/2-YU
31. HA7MF 343 308 604 260 157,040 89.8% Gabor Berecz Certificate 31/28/3-HA
32. SD4W 269 256 664 222 147,408 95.2% Peter van Haeringen Certificate 32/29/4-SM
33. RV3AJ 290 262 669 216 144,504 90.3% Arthur Lednev Certificate 33/30/5-UA
34. DL4YR 232 211 712 183 130,296 90.9% Ralf Huesken Certificate 34/31/1-DL
35. E74EW 285 240 638 204 130,152 84.2% Ziad Beganovic Certificate 35/32/1-E7
36. UR7EC 240 230 602 204 122,808 95.8% Alex Mislavsky Certificate 36/33/3-UR
37. LZ2CH 240 230 616 199 122,584 95.8% Krasimir Slavov Dimitrov Certificate 37/34/2-LZ
38. ON5WL 242 230 579 204 118,116 95.0% Leon Welters Certificate 38/35/1-ON
39. YO4FPF 240 228 581 189 109,809 95.0% Dan Roca Certificate 39/36/4-YO
40. LZ1ZJ 235 225 556 193 107,308 95.7% Slav Tashkov Certificate 40/37/3-LZ
41. IZ8EYP 232 215 539 197 106,183 92.7% Christian Panajia Certificate 41/38/1-I
42. LY5T 238 223 565 184 103,960 93.7% Vytenis Sciucka Certificate 42/39/2-LY
43. ZA1RR 226 204 509 185 94,165 90.3% Fatmir Elezi Certificate 43/40/1-ZA
44. EA1G 249 203 524 175 91,700 81.5% Fernando F.A. Certificate 44/41/1-EA
45. HA2EOU 225 206 524 173 90,652 91.6% Ferenc Raduly Certificate 45/42/4-HA
46. PA3GDD 223 201 484 178 86,152 90.1% Aarnold de Keyzer Certificate 46/43/2-PA
47. IK0NOJ 210 192 499 170 84,830 91.4% Daniele Dei Certificate 47/44/2-I
48. ES3RF 211 191 486 172 83,592 90.5% Gennadi Klevtsov Certificate 48/45/1-ES
49. DL4ME 200 188 480 155 74,400 94.0% Roland Stange Certificate 49/46/2-DL
50. YO2CEQ 193 174 462 157 72,534 90.2% Slobodan Obradov Certificate 50/47/5-YO
51. UN8PT 185 170 436 155 67,580 91.9% Yuri Melnikov Certificate 51/4/2-UN
52. SO3O 190 179 437 153 66,861 94.2% Jan Kotarski Certificate 52/48/3-SP
53. PA3DBS 200 174 414 155 64,170 87.0% Peter Hendrikx Certificate 53/49/3-PA
54. RK6HG 202 184 450 135 60,750 91.1% V.Vasilyev Certificate 54/50/6-UA
55. Z32U 170 159 402 151 60,702 93.5% Zoran Grozdanovski Certificate 55/51/1-Z3
56. S57KM 172 164 417 141 58,797 95.3% Sandi Bogataj Certificate 56/52/1-S5
57. IV3IPS 180 154 407 141 57,387 85.6% Stefano Donati Certificate 57/53/3-I
58. LA2HFA 158 150 394 139 54,766 94.9% Andy Zielinsky Certificate 58/54/1-LA
59. 9A3QB 154 142 398 137 54,526 92.2% Mirko Sabadjija Certificate 59/55/1-9A
60. DL3DRN 190 156 389 136 52,904 82.1% Wolfgang Haehnel Certificate 60/56/3-DL
61. 9A1DR 157 143 373 132 49,236 91.1% "Danny" - Damir Puljko Certificate 61/57/2-9A
62. RX1AG 166 152 381 129 49,149 91.6% Valentin Ivanov Certificate 62/58/7-UA
63. UF5A 176 165 412 112 46,144 93.8% Yuri Valuiski Certificate 63/59/8-UA
64. PC6R 153 142 354 130 46,020 92.8% Dick van Empelen Certificate 64/60/4-PA
65. RW0AJ 162 151 357 122 43,554 93.2% Vlad Dronov Certificate 65/5/3-UA0
66. LB2WD 144 132 332 127 42,164 91.7% Leif Helge Alvestad Certificate 66/61/2-LA
67. SE0B 156 139 327 126 41,202 89.1% Claes Fejde Certificate 67/62/5-SM
68. RA3RLJ 165 149 360 114 41,040 90.3% Alexey Blinov Certificate 68/63/9-UA
69. YO4DW 160 134 344 115 39,560 83.8% Cornelius Sporis Certificate 69/64/6-YO
70. CT1EHK 149 125 320 119 38,080 83.9% Carlos Ventura Certificate 70/65/1-CT
71. SM5DXR 146 128 319 118 37,642 87.7% Christer Lindberg Certificate 71/66/6-SM
72. UR7VA 138 128 336 109 36,624 92.8% Serge Fedorovich Certificate 72/67/4-UR
73. EU1FQ 137 122 308 112 34,496 89.1% Pogulyaev Nikolai Certificate 73/68/2-EU
74. DM4KM 136 123 308 109 33,572 90.4% Fred Pohl Certificate 74/69/4-DL
75. HA8TP 120 117 294 109 32,046 97.5% Jeno Modok Certificate 75/70/5-HA
76. RN4SC 120 117 299 106 31,694 97.5% Gnevashev A.S. Certificate 76/71/10-UA
77. R9XS 160 130 304 98 29,792 81.3% Vasily Dolgodvorov Certificate 77/72/11-UA
78. OM7AT 118 107 297 100 29,700 90.7% Vincent Suchanek Certificate 78/73/1-OM
79. UT7NI 116 109 292 98 28,616 94.0% Volodymyr Yanchuk Certificate 79/74/5-UR
80. YO4SI 113 107 274 94 25,756 94.7% Mircea Rucareanu Certificate 80/75/7-YO
81. ZA1F 120 107 261 97 25,317 89.2% Fatos Demeti Certificate 81/76/2-ZA
82. DM2RN 126 118 293 86 25,198 93.7% Ernst Eigel Certificate 82/77/5-DL
83. YO5YM 117 101 260 89 23,140 86.3% Marcel Vesa Certificate 83/78/8-YO
84. UA4LCC 101 97 257 87 22,359 96.0% Dmitry Manyuhin Certificate 84/79/12-UA
85. US3EW 101 92 234 90 21,060 91.1% Vlad Voznev Certificate 85/80/6-UR
86. RZ3Z 101 93 246 85 20,910 92.1% Andrew Glushko Certificate 86/81/13-UA
87. PD0ME 110 93 249 78 19,422 84.5% Margienus Euving Certificate 87/82/5-PA
88. 2E0OBO 101 91 221 82 18,122 90.1% Bob Blackman Certificate 88/83/1-G
89. SV2SKD 111 87 224 78 17,472 78.4% Panagiotis Dalianis Certificate 89/84/1_SV
90. RX4HJ 136 97 225 76 17,100 71.3% Yuri Shigorev Certificate 90/85/14-UA
91. PC7E 101 86 202 83 16,766 85.1% Henk Evers Certificate 91/86/6-PA
92. EW1M 108 96 201 81 16,281 88.9% Serge Nikolaiko
Certificate 92/87/3-EU
93. DF6RI 99 83 221 73 16,133 83.8% Alfred Iberer Certificate 93/88/6-DL
94. SP2HMY 98 84 198 80 15,840 85.7% Wladyslaw Jan Leszczynski Certificate 94/89/4-SP
95. UA4FDL 100 86 194 76 14,744 86.0% Gennady Vodyanov Certificate 95/90/15-UA
96. G5C 85 78 206 71 14,626 91.8% Les Elliott Certificate 96/91/2-G
97. YO7ARZ 79 71 200 69 13,800 89.9% Constntin Vasile Certificate 97/92/9-YO
98. SQ3JPV 82 74 189 71 13,419 90.2% Piotr Czajka Certificate 98/93/5-SP
99. YO2CMI 84 79 191 70 13,370 94.0% Bernardt-Anton Huth Certificate 99/94/10-YO
100. PD7CJT 77 75 185 70 12,950 97.4% Chris Timmermans Certificate 100/95/7-PA
101. UA9XX 100 83 181 63 11,403 83.0% Anatolij Mikhailyutenko Certificate 101/96/16-UA
102. F5IND 81 69 175 64 11,200 85.2% Jean Christophe Barbera Certificate 102/97/1-F
103. SN2S 74 71 180 61 10,980 95.9% Slawo Jaszek Certificate 103/98/6-SP
104. RV3ZN 73 71 163 63 10,269 97.3% Alexander Myaus Certificate 104/99/17-UA
105. HA5BA 68 65 170 58 9,860 95.6% Klara Lendvai Certificate 105/100/6-HA
106. RL9L 65 63 166 59 9,794 96.9% Victor Merinov Certificate 106/6/4-UA0
107. SC6O 78 70 169 56 9,464 89.7% Bengt Frykler Certificate 107/101/7-SM
108. SN4D 68 64 163 57 9,291 94.1% Zbigniew Augustynowicz Certificate 108/102/7-SP
OH5MQ 68 62 156 57 8,892 91.2% Jouko Syrjanen Certificate 109/103/1-OH
110. F6CEL 72 62 146 58 8,468 86.1% Barbason Ghislain Certificate 110/104/2-F
111. UR5CC 60 54 158 51 8,058 90.0% Yakov Kharchenko Certificate 111/105/6-UR
112. OM5MX 86 53 132 53 6,996 61.6% Pavel Matyas Certificate 112/106/2-OM
113. PA3MVE 70 51 130 50 6,500 72.9% Maurice Veraart Certificate 113/107/8-PA
114. SD6M 55 52 140 45 6,300 94.5% Per-Eric Säwerström Certificate 114/108/8-SM
115. PD0JMH 50 48 128 48 6,144 96.0% Jos Holtermann Certificate 115/109/9-PA
116. PA2VS 51 50 130 45 5,850 98.0% Sjuk Veenstra Certificate 116/110/10-PA
117. YL2NK 65 55 110 53 5,830 84.6% Ivans Polascenko Certificate 117/111/1-YL
118. F5JBR 50 45 128 42 5,376 90.0% Andre Schweitzer Certificate 118/112/3-F
119. EA3CWT 64 46 114 45 5,130 71.9% Juan Rubio Certificate 119/113/2-EA
120. LY2CX 48 46 126 40 5,040 95.8% Vygantas Jautakas Certificate 120/114/3-LY
121. PA5GU 50 43 114 41 4,674 86.0% Jaap Zuidweg Certificate 121/115/11-PA
122. UR4LIN 52 43 114 41 4,674 82.7% Victor Strekozov Certificate 122/116/7-UR
123. OE6JOZ 49 43 116 40 4,640 87.8% Jozsef Kiss Certificate 123/117/1-OE
124. ES1BH 54 47 106 43 4,558 87.0% Veiko Vark Certificate 124/118/2-ES
125. JA6GCE 56 50 97 46 4,462 89.3% Nobuo Matsuoka Certificate 125/7/1-JA
126. RK4NB 51 45 106 39 4,134 88.2% Eugene Chuprakov Certificate 126/119/18-UA
127. VE2FK 50 39 102 36 3,672 78.0% Claude Du Berger Certificate 127/1/1-VE
128. HB9IIH 46 37 98 36 3,528 80.4% Olivier Borgeaud Certificate 128/120/1-HB
129. OH6BA 40 35 100 35 3,500 87.5% Olli Pasuri Certificate 129/121/2-OH
130. SN5WD 38 36 92 34 3,128 94.7% Miroslaw Kolodziej Certificate 130/122/8-SP
131. DL2AWA 38 35 93 32 2,976 92.1% Peter Günther Certificate 131/123/7-DL
132. PG7R 40 35 92 32 2,944 87.5% Ronald Hellenthal Certificate 132/124/12-PA
133. R4WAE 38 33 94 29 2,726 86.8% Osipov Nick Certificate 133/125/19-UA
134. R1LN 44 38 90 30 2,700 86.4% Natalia Shalashova (YL) Certificat e 134/126/20-UA
135. OK1FCA 40 30 82 28 2,296 75.0% Stanislav Antos Certificate 135/127/4-OK
136. OZ30EU 39 29 82 28 2,296 74.4% Svend Erik Kofod Certficate 136/128/1-OZ
137. DM6EE 34 31 72 27 1,944 91.2% Lutz Gutheil Certificate 137/129/8-DL
138. DJ9SN 32 29 72 21 1,512 90.6% Bernd Mohr Certificate 138/130/9-DL
139. LZ3TL 24 23 64 22 1,408 95.8% Ted Manov Certificate 139/131/4-LZ
140. IZ5BBS 31 24 62 22 1,364 77.4% Renato Fini Certificate 140/132/4-I
141. HG7J 22 21 62 21 1,302 95.5% Alexandrosz Szvarnasz Certficate 141/133/7-HA
142. SV2HUD 27 23 52 23 1,196 85.2% Vas Kafkopoulos Certificate 142/134/2-SV
143. DO6AN 20 19 54 18 972 95.0% Nils Grohmann Certificate 143/135/10-DL
144. RN1AO 20 18 45 17 765 90.0% Aleksandr Shevchenko Certificate 144/136/21-UA
145. SV8SXF 19 16 36 16 576 84.2% Konstantinos Manolis Certificate 145/137/3-SV
146. IK2IKW 15 13 35 12 420 86.7% Alvaro Neonati Certificate 146/138/5-I
147. TA4/M0MPM 19 12 28 12 336 63.2% Michael Meerman Certificate 147/8/1-TA
148. JK8PBO 13 12 28 10 280 92.3% Nakamura Masatoshi Certificate 148/9/2-JA
149. JH1BHW 13 10 20 10 200 76.9% Kazutoshi Nagai Certificate 149/10/3-JA
150. DF1GRA 8 7 14 7 98 87.5% Sven-Orjan Larsson Certificate 150/139/11-DL
151. 4E1AGW 7 6 12 6 72 85.7% William C. Miras Certificate 151/1/1-DU
152. JA2GHP 5 5 10 5 50 100.0% Masaharu Tanaka Certificate 152/11/4-JA
153. JK1ESR 5 4 10 4 40 80.0% Kazuo Amemiya Certificate 153/12/5-JA
154. PY6FX 3 2 4 2 8 66.7% Fabio Sousa Certificate 154/1/1-PY
155. JH0MUC 1 1 4 1 4 100.0% Masashi Kimura Certificate 155/13/6-JA

Scores: "SWL"

# Call QSO Score Conf. (%) Name Prizes 
total conf. points mult total
1. SM/VE9BK 94 80 188 0 188 85.1% Jean-Paul LeBlanc Certificate 1/1/1-SM
2. US-N-55 52 45 107 0 107 86.5% Konstantin Makohon Certificate 2/2/1-UR
3. OK1-31434 26 21 61 0 61 80.8% Michal Nìmec Certificate 3/3/1-OK
Until February 15, 2024, I am waiting for the address for prizes from: EU8U, R7MM, RD0A, RD4F, RT9A, RU4SO
Until the set date, only EU8N and RW9QA complied.
Canceled logs: DF3SM-(jpg.Log)
Thank you for confirming the receipt of the prizes: F5NBX, OM5NL, S57X,
-Mar-2024 at 05:30 UTC  YO2RR